In this article, Burrows points out some extremely interesting facts about Apple's control over the media. Companies are practically begging Apple to create apps to boost sales, spread knowledge, and create a new source of income. As companies become more reliant on Apple, Apple becomes less reliant on them. One example Burrows gives is related to the music industry. The music industry relies on Apple to sell 90% of its music downloads. While this is a huge part of apple, the majority of its focus is now being moved to creation of apps and games.
I am an Apple person. I have an iPod, iPhone, and a Mac computer. Since I've had these these Apple products, there is no way I would ever want to go back to their now archaic predecessors. This same phenomenon is occurring throughout the nation and world. People love how user friendly and aesthetically pleasing Apple products are, plus Apple's use of advertising to attract the younger, more hip generation helps. Their commercials featuring a young, good looking man (a Mac) talking to an older, geeky looking man (a PC) were what first turned me on to their products. I guess deep down, my desire to be cool was what drove me to be a Mac. What this article addresses is Apple's near monopoly on the music industry and the fact that in the future, the music industry will matter increasingly less to the corporation. While I love Mac, I'm all for a new company rising up and challenging Apple for the lead in music sales. Competition creates innovation, and everyone loves fancy new gadgets.
Jakob i agree one hundred percent with what you have told us. i believe that apple has been becoming too powerful. I remember when they first came out, i thought that they were stupid but now all we see are Mac computers everywhere. I hope that we can stop stop them before we they have a monopoly on the music business